
Game: Splendor

Publisher: Space Cowboys

Version french

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Game: Splendor

Publisher: Space Cowboys

Version french

A tactical, fast-paced and addictive game!

Splendor can be explained in five minutes and is played in half an hour, with two, three or four players.

In Splendor, you lead a merchant guild.

With the help of tokens symbolizing precious stones, you will acquire developments that produce new stones (bonuses).

These bonuses reduce the cost of your purchases and attract noble patrons.

Every turn is fast: one action and one action only!

The first player to reach fifteen prestige points by accumulating nobles and developments triggers the end of the game.

4 Items

Data sheet

Playing Time
45 minutes
Number of players
2 to 4 players
Category BOARD GAMES Brand Space Cowboys EAN13 3558380039945