What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that can be stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit websites. Information is stored in this text file, such as your language choice for a website. When you visit the website again, this cookie is returned to the website. In this way, the website recognizes your browser and can for example retain your language choice. Cookies usually also have an expiry date. Some cookies are, for example, automatically deleted when you close your browser (called session cookies), while others stay longer on your computer, sometimes even until you delete them manually (called permanent cookies).

Cookies can be placed by the website server you visit or by partners with which this website collaborates. The server of a website can only read the cookies that he himself has placed; it has no access to any other information on your computer or mobile device. Cookies are stored on your computer or mobile device in your browser directory. The contents of a cookie usually consist of the name of the server that placed the cookie, an expiry date and a unique encrypted code.

Cookies ensure a generally easier and faster interaction between the visitor and the website. In addition, they help the visitor navigate between the different parts of the website. Cookies can also be used to make the content of a website or the advertisement present on this website more relevant to the visitor and to adapt the website to the personal tastes and visitor's needs.
Who installs these cookies?

First party cookies are cookies installed and managed by MagicFranco. They are specific to the website MagicFranco visited.
Third party cookies are cookies installed and managed by a third party. They are installed during your navigation. They allow certain data to be sent to third parties when browsing on the website or using an app.

How long are cookies stored?

Temporary cookies (session cookies) are stored in your browser or provisionally app. They are deleted automatically as soon as you close your browser or app.
Permanent cookies remain on your computer or mobile device, even when you close the browser or app. They allow you to recognize yourself during your subsequent visits, and stay on your device until they expire, until a new version of the cookie is installed or you delete them manually.

What types of cookies do we use?

We use different types of cookies on our website. The use of the type of cookies can be different for each app. In addition, a cookie can be used for multiple purposes.

  • Essential cookies: these cookies are required to allow the visit of our websites and the use of certain parts of it. For example, these cookies allow you to navigate between the different sections of websites and apps, complete forms, place orders and update the content of your shopping cart. Similarly, when you want to access your personal account, cookies are essential to secure your identity before giving access to your personal information. If you refuse these cookies, some entries on the website will not work properly, or at all.
  • Functional cookies: functional cookies are cookies designed to facilitate the operation of our websites, make it more enjoyable for the visitor and give you a more personalised surf experience. For example, cookies that retain your language choice or segment of customers, or cookies that memorize if you have already been invited to participate in an investigation, so that you do not propose the same survey during each visit.
  • Analysis cookies: We use analytics cookies to collect information about the use of our websites by visitors (pages visited, average duration of the visit,...), in order to improve the content of the site, to better adapt it to the wishes of visitors and to increase its user-friendliness. For example, we use a cookie counting the number of unique visitors and another analyzing the popularity of our visitors pages.Pour analyzing the use of our websites, we also use Microsoft Clarity, Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel, which also use to make cookies. The data collected through these cookies are anonymized.
  • Commercial cookies: Commercial cookies collect information about your browsing behavior, to present you with advertising or content that may interest you.
  • Other tracers than cookies (pixel, javascript...) : Some of our web pages can collect information about your behavior on our website. This information can be shared with third parties such as Facebook to improve the effectiveness of our own digital advertising campaigns, for example by including our customers to promote specific offers or excluding them from campaigns promoting a product they already own.

What is the impact of your cookie choice?

How can I see which cookies were installed on my device and how can I delete/manage them?

Browser settings
In your browser settings, you have the option to refuse the installation of cookies. You will find more information about the deletion of cookies or the management of cookie settings for your browser in the following list:
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=fr
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/fr/kb/activer-desactiver-cookies-preferences
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/fr-fr/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
Safari (iOS): https://support.apple.com/fr-be/HT201265
Safari (MacOS): https://support.apple.com/kb/ph21411?locale=fr_CA
Deleting cookies:
You can at any time delete cookies already installed on your computer or on your mobile device.
Refusal of commercial cookies:
If you wish to refuse commercial cookies (including Google or Criteo), you can do so using the following website: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/

If you do not wish to receive advertising based on your browsing habits and remarketing cookies, such as Google, you can change the settings of Google Ads Preferences Manager. Google also recommends installing the browserGoogle Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.

Refer to consent for this site
By clicking on this link, you can reset your agreement in the light of the cookie policy of this site and redo your choices on which cookies you allow or not: https://shop.magicfranco.be/module/lgcookieslaw/disallow?token=5a6f3d8fc0ab08d883f28d9f0793d88d